Two New Story Bird Posts

Hey guys, today I finished two story bird posts with my classmate. The first story is about a kangaroo named Julius Tan that builds a plane then crashes on another island. To read it click on this picture.

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 The second story is about a greedy porcupine named Zing. Zing tries to win his friend using a stranger but as they spy on him Zing falls in a waterfall. To read it, click on the picture bellow.

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By rayvensanchez50

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break to me was like relaxing all day playing on electronic devices with my friends and cousins. Besides Thanksgiving in general I would be eating or being on an electronic device. Thanksgiving was the day of the vacation or week i’m actively but this year I was watching T.V, playing video games, and eating.


What I Did Over Thanksgiving Breaks

By rayvensanchez50

Story Bird

Story Bird is a great website for kids to express them self by writing a picture book, long form book (chapter book), or a poem with other artist art. You can also read other peoples story’s and or join a class. You can join upon millions of people and read all of their stories.  This is a unique website for me. I never tried any other story than story bird. Also it is completing safe from kids from looking at adult content. Here is a sample of my story. This is a what a picture book looks like.

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By rayvensanchez50

Rayven Sanchez

Students Narrative Writing Class

         It was finally time to go to Shakespeare and most of the student from Palmer Way Gate paid and went but some students did not due to transportation, time,  lack of money,and or were not interested. The students who paid for Shakespeare studied the play before seeing it. The students that didn’t go were occupied with a narrative writing assignment.

The students that did not go started to write or type a narrative writing assignment. The students wrote their assignment based on a picture they looked at. The picture they saw was three dogs and a cat. The students had different ideas based on the picture they saw. The picture was hard to define because the picture was in black and white, but after clarifying parts of the picture they could not see, they knew what they were going to do.

It was fifth-teen minutes later and after deciding what they main story of there essay was going to be they grasped paper and pencil or a computer and they brainstormed what their topic was going to be. All of the students had completely different ideas. The first thing they had to do was to think about what the narrative was going to be about. Second they had to describe characters gender, attitude, and appearance. Finally they had to think what settings would appear. After doing that they wrote their paper for three through four weeks before turning it in.

Shakespeare was over, narrative writing class was over. “Narrative Writing class was ok because I love to write stories to express my self.” a comment by a student from the class named Julian Ratcliff. After every bit of things they did in narrative writing class they can return to their regular schedule.

By rayvensanchez50

Rayven Sanchez


Students Coronado Day Field Trip


It was the beginning of the year and palmer way’s gate class went to their first field trip to Coronado Ferry Landing.  Both classes were very excited to go.  They traveled by bus, trolley, and ferry.  The students were ready and prepared to voyage along side with their classmates, friends, and parents on Friday August, 13.


After Mr.  Crosbie and Mr.  Clarken took attendance they walked out of the school and across the street to the bus stop.  After waiting 20 through 30 minutes for the bus to arrive, they cramped to the back of the bus allowing others plenty of leeway.  As all the students including teacher and guardians stepped out of the bus they headed to the trolley about 70 feet from the bus.  Using the same technique from the bus, they had little leeway and plenty for others.  While they arranged that the boys letting girls take their seats and and allowing them to stand up.  Then the juniors were now excited to take the ferry.  As the Captain operated the boat across the sea the juniors love the wind and brees.


Finally after they journeyed across the sea they meet their schools resource specialist, ms.  Bo, and the Principal, mr.  Denegri, at the beach. “Transportation is tiring and hot but it was worth it” bawled a student named Steven.  Later they grouped each student in both classes to a parent volunteer.  Most people change clothes to swim first some shopped and less ate.  A student, Isaias, exclaimed , “Its fun to go to the beach especially with your class”.  As the sophomores and their groupes wander around, men and women were exploring Coronado Ferry Landing while pedaling their bikes. After a while the kids ate and bought food their. They packed mostly food and some clothes.
The trip to Coronado all turned out well except that a sixth-grader, Jacob, accidentally cut his foot.  But besides that everyone had a great time. When after time was up and they had to go home. Everyone stepped on the Ferry and waved good-bye to Coronado Ferry Landing.  After their day ended,  fourth and fifth-Graders are looking forward to go next year but for the six graders never going to Coronado with their class.

By rayvensanchez50

Another year

Its been a year when i started WordPress now i can help others create theirs. I forgot plenty of things for WordPress but now i know how to do most of the tools and widgets on WordPress. At school their are no changes really except the fact i have to help people on their blogs. I think this year is going to be really better than the year before. Since the last time I used WordPress there has been an update that i have to get around on. But not much has change so i think it will be easier to get around on. I don’t know know how to really use WordPress any more due to the recent change. For example how to post this. But i am sure i will find out.

By rayvensanchez50


Yesterday i went to church and went to a movie theater to watch how to train your dragon 2 its the best movie ever and i invite everyone to watch it

By rayvensanchez50


First of all hi second i am starting to post late. But anyway my day was boring all i did was go to KFC. And i also have a scratch project i am going to put up soon.

By rayvensanchez50

Why People Should Exercise More

People dont ever like to exercise because its tiring and it takes time for it to work. But there are many and many reasons why people should exercise but more people say there are other many ways to to get the lifestyle everyone likes without exercising. But my opinion is that it people should exercise more because it is healthy, helps you live long, and maintain weight.

my first reason is that its healthy of couse. After being tired you have the whole day to rest. Its health makes you have no illnesses at all. To be healthy it is as simple as walking in the park. It can also health up where you have fat or cholesterol. To make you strong and have the lifestyle you want.

my second reason is that it can help you live longer. Everyone loves to live longer. Walking helps a little of your exercise so you can live about a little more. I know walking helps the body a tad bit but at least it lets you live about a tad bit too.

my last reason reason is that it can maintain weight that means you can lose weight even if you dont have to maintain weight you can always gain weight every day. Now if start exercising it can be easier to do the things you love in life now.

The reasons i think people should exercise more is that is helps your health more, you live life more, and it can make you loose weight more.

By rayvensanchez50